This recently-added endoscopy teaching conference provides structured didactic endoscopy education for Gastroenterology fellows, and complements hands-on endoscopic training. The monthly conference follows a defined endoscopy curriculum including general GI procedures as well as interventional endoscopy. Fellows are guided through different endoscopic cases using visual teaching aids (endoscopic photographs and videos) with emphasis on evidence-based discussion and fellow participation. There is a special focus on advanced endoscopic procedures such as ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with cases presented by the advanced endoscopy fellows under the mentorship of an interventional endoscopy faculty member.
- General Endoscopy
- GI bleeding
- Polypectomy
- Dilation
- Advanced Endoscopic procedures
- Esophageal ablative therapies
- Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
- Cryotherapy
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (RFA)
- Luminal (Esophageal, duodenal and colonic) stent placement
- Biliary stones and strictures
- Pancreatic endotherapy
- Lithotripsy
- Cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy
- Ampullectomy
- Cancer staging
- Celiac plexus block/neurolysis
- Evaluation of sub-epithelial lesions
- Pancreatic pseudocyst drainage
- EUS guided rendezvous
- Esophageal ablative therapies
- Indications, technical aspects, contra-indications and complications
- Interpretation of
- Endoscopic images
- EUS photos
- Cholangiograms and pancreatograms