Core Curriculum Conference
Fridays, 12:00-1:00 PM
- Fellows with the guidance of one Hepatologist review one chapter per week of Diseases of the Liver by Eugene R. Schiff, M.D., for discussion.
GI/Liver State of the Art Lectures
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 AM
- The goal of the weekly Gastroenterology/Liver Diseases Research Conference is to expose research trainees and clinical fellows, as well as faculty to intramural and extramural speakers on diverse cutting edge research topics that are relevant to gastrointestinal and liver research. Faculty and trainees from such diverse areas as medicine, pathology, surgery, veterinary medicine, dentistry, and all of the basic science departments have participated in this conference for more than 20 years. Most of the faculty participating in this application has formally presented their work at this conference. It enjoys a reputation as one of the academic highlights of each week. Each trainee will present his or her work at this conference at least once per year. This conference provides a forum for the trainee to present results of his or her research to the entire faculty of the training program and an audience with broad research interests who can provide critical feedback and recommendations to the trainees and their preceptors.
GI/Liver Problem Conference
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 AM
- Hepatology fellows present interesting in-patient or outpatient cases with a comprehensive review of issues/topics pertaining to liver diseases.
Transplant Hepatology Journal Club
Once a month, Tuesday, 7:00-9:00 PM
- Critical review of current and relevant literature is a skill that all academicians and scientist must develop. There are one Journal Clubs every month. There are several journal clubs with different foci including pathology, hepatology, stem cell biology, cancer biology, transplantation and immunology, genomic and gene therapy. Trainees and faculty alike are expected to actively participate by reading, presenting summaries and relevant background, critiquing methods, and critically analyzing conclusions. In this way trainees are taught how manuscripts should be written, how data should be presented, and how data must be critically assessed, whether it is the data of others or their own.
Hepatobiliary Conference
Mondays, 7:15-8:15 AM
- This multidisciplinary group includes pathologists, basic research scientists, hepatologists, pediatricians, surgeons, and others interested in liver diseases and research. It serves many purposes including research updates, thematic discussions, journal review, and program planning. It is held on a weekly basis with the purpose of bringing together varied expertise to focus on common themes.
Liver Histopathology Conference
Thursdays, 3:30-4:00 PM
- All liver biopsies done at the University are reviewed at a joint conference on a weekly basis. This conference is run by Drs. Chen Liu and Lisa Dixon and attended by Liver faculty, fellows, and transplant surgery. A multi-headed microscope allows fellows to become trained at interpreting liver histology. We review at least 15 cases weekly.
Liver Medical Management Conference (M&M)
Once a month, Friday, 7:15-8:15 AM
- In this conference difficult cases seen in the inpatient or outpatient setting are discussed. In addition, clinical research protocols are discussed in this conference. The hepatology faculty, fellows, housestaff, research coordinators, and physician assistants attend the
Liver Transplant Selection Committee
Thursdays, 4:00-5:00 PM
- Transplant Selection Committee meets once a week and involves a multidisciplinary approach to patient evaluation including adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation. The trainee is involved in the primary evaluation, presentation, and discussion of at least 20 or more potential transplant candidates at this conference. This conference is attended by the hepatologists, liver fellows, transplant surgeons, transplant coordinators, psychologists, pharmacy, and social workers.
Medicine Grand Rounds
Thursdays, 11:00-12:00 PM
- This is a mandatory conference for the faculty and housestaff in the Department of Medicine. Different General Internal medicine topics are discussed in this 1-hour conference. Visit